The show “The Prog Mill” aired on has just put up a podcast of the show on the 25th of april 2021 – featuring Fall of Episteme´s “Experience Oblige” – as they say;
“Edition 258 of THE PROG MILL for Progzilla (478 in total), first broadcast 25 April 2021, is now also available for you to listen to anytime or download. Another two hours of superb melodic and symphonic progressive rock, including our fun quick fire proggy quiz and the latest album review from the Progressive Aspect.”
“The Prog Mill” is hosted by Shaun Geraghty
Thank you to Oliver Traxel for the request!
It is a really enjoyable show – Here is a link to the podcast and the playlist;
Podcast – The Prog Mill edition 258 (25 April 2021)